Shattered Memories.

By Valtiel

Ying and Yang

Lots of time has passed since my last blip and lots of things have happened. Soon after my last blip everything went kind of wrong but since then things have improved a great deal.

This is a photo of me and Rosie. Today's been good we've spent it watching an idiot abroad and just generally just been pissing around. The school was flooded so we basically had no lessons. I've kind of realised recently how much I miss someone but thats okay I guess its kinda shit that I havent spoken to them in so long.

Josh is going away for a month but then I get to see him for a whole month its going to be so perfect. I cant wait and atm Im really happy and everythings going well. I know that its not too long till josh will be going but ive decided to live for now and be happy with the time I have with him

Hope your all okay ! x

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