Shattered Memories.

By Valtiel


Sorry haven't uploaded a photo in aaaages hehe but my camera's been acting up loads so I havent been able to take any photo's x this one's terrible as I still havent got my camera working yet I had to take this on my grannys crappy digital camera and I just did an extreme edit. It's not too great but hopefully I'll have a better blip soon!

Not much has really happened. Ive been spending lots of time with My Posie! which has been lovely we just mess around so much its great! like today we just watched embarrassing bodies in our free's which was sick! and sat outside school in the cold with Bethan which was nice. Ive never really talked to Bethan much at all, She's really really lovely and her poems which she read to us today were really good!

It makes me miss my Josh loads! he's another talented little poet. I have about 5 poems which he's written for me. There amazing, I cant wait to see him again but not long now. He just got up to Orkney today so he should be back in about 2 weeks and then I get to see him for a month!! cannot wait it's gunna be amazing!

I just feel lucky to have a friend like Rosie and a boyfriend like Josh. It makes everything really good and I feel optimistic about the future. I hope Bethan comes and hangs round with me and Rosie more. It's nice to see how happy she makes Rosie and she's a good laugh! win win really !! xx

Going to go swimming tomorrow ahah alone likely. Feel soo bloody fat I hate it its horrible. Makes me feel kinda sick. So does the thought of food.

Hope your all okay!

song of the day:
Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
(Reminds me of josh )

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