The pond at Aylesbury police station

Today's jaunt took me to the bank in Walton Road. It was just a little bit further than I usually walk but my new hip held out well. On the way I bumped into Pete who I pictured earlier in the week. We had a chat before he & 4 others cracked on with the re-kerbing works. They will now over-run because of  the car that is still parked where they are trying to work.

On the way back I cut through the Police station grounds and took this picture of the duck pond. Not a duck in sight here but lots at Walton pond which I looked at as I left the bank. My extra shot is the same one but in colour - I couldn't decide which Iiked best..perhaps you can decide.

On my way I saw Joe or Boss as I always call him. He used to be my Team Leader before he retired and I then stepped into his shoes for 21 years. Incredible to think that I have known him for 30 + years. Again he lives only 50 yards away but I rarely see him or M his wife. He was in his car so our chat was brief but he said he would pop up to see me soon.

Whilst I was out I suddenly realised that I hadn't got my key- so I had to put a bit of a spurt on the way back as C was going to the "back man". I arrived in plenty of time for her to let me in. 

A bit cooler today but when you are galloping along the road at high speed you don't really notice it.

It's Friday again and tomorrow they are saying that we could wake up to snow in the morning..... now there is a thing !

Happpppppy    Friiiiiiiday 

I should have explained the picture a bit more; I am standing by the flagpole with the Union Flag flying at half mast with my back to the Police Station & I  am looking towards the visitor car park & The Broad Leys PH (where the marquees are. Beyond that you can see the backs of some houses. Those houses are in my road. So as the crow flies - not very far. 

The other piece of good news is that I got on the scales this am & I have lost almost a stone in weight since I went into hospital almost 5 weeks ago. If I can lose a few more pounds I will feel happier...

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