
By Artminx


I rarely think I am too busy but this week has really tired me out.

Early this morning I popped into the office to complete a few jobs and then drove over to Liverpool for the life drawing workshop with Tate and The English National ballet. It was wet and windy, a shock from the last few days of warm sunshine and I stood for some time outside the Empire Theatre thinking maybe I had pushed my week too far.

It wasn't long before I realised I should have thought a little more about my expectations of a life drawing class with a group of professional dancers, dancers that are quite possibly some of the best in the world. We were honoured to watch them go through their daily warm up routines. I realised that very quickly. I also realised there would be no 60 second poses and that we were in fact drawing not form and tone but movement and lines.

I scribbled furiously but all I wanted to do was watch. The women were wonderful and powerful, the men had grace and shocking strength. Finally I put the pen down and just watched. I think I gained much more from simply watching and studying their movements.

Another drive home in the rain and rush hour traffic. Then a quick rustling up of a suitable dinner for Mia and her friend and here I am, exhausted and quite honestly ready for bed.


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