Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Cairo Film Festival

I've had my eye on this poster since they appeared up high above above roads a few weeks ago, but they were too far away to capture with my taxi grabs. My luck was in tonight though when I arrived at the Marriott Hotel to have dinner with friend Undercovercairo and this big version was in the reception area. The Marriott's a beautiful old palace hotel, which we've blipped before and you can just catch a glimpse of the grandeur here. Nice dinner (Egyptian mezze of little dishes of babaganoush, stuffed vine leaves, salad (fantoush?) and spicy cheese, served with lovely hot Egyptian bread. Washed down with a little rose wine. We then walked out and had a hot vanilla drink to end the night.

The rest of the day was in my new found role of author's assistant ;-) in front of the laptop.

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