Not Tulips

Just carnations in Sainsburys today, well, not just carnations, but there were no tulips so these are my second choice :) 

Cupboards were getting bare so needed to do a big shop and I do prefer to do it online usually but wanted to look at Christmas chocolates and things before next month arrives. 

A few more things ticked off for Santa Claus :) 

Also my original plan was to take Stella to the park but she put one paw out of the door and thought better of it.

In other news, I've given myself serious brainache.

The longer my potential house move drags on the more I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing. I want to be near my nephew but you'll all have noticed that my health seems to be improving (I'm half regularly commenting on blips for a start!) and Stella (usually) has her walkies mojo back so jumping in the car for half an hour for work or family visits is seeming less of a big deal with each day that passes.

I'm rediscovering happy places I would miss now that I can get out more often - going to Bury St Edmunds with no ill effects other than fatigue was a big turning point, as was getting out and about geocaching in old haunts again - I guess I actually love this flat old Fenland!

I'm utterly torn as to what I should do. I've already done a list of fors and againsts for here and there this afternoon. Here has 4 more fors than there at this point. 

Would I be better using the money I need to put in to the other place before it's even liveable into getting this one decorated and spruced up? 

I appreciate I've already paid out for survey and solicitor etc., but, on the whole scale of things that's not much of a loss against doing something I may later regret. Future employment is a big consideration too. I'll probably be out of a job within 3 years - there's much more scope to get a new one from here rather than there. I know it's nearer Cambridge but I wouldn't want to go into Cambridge to work. Ely and Newmarket are far more attractive on that front.

Anyone been through a similar thing and know what penalty, if any, there would be for changing my mind? 

And if you're still here, thanks for putting up with my random rambling! :) x

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