yo - i come with news...

...this robin seemed to be saying

he was hopping 'round the yard... coming ever closer to me - yawing away at the same time... really! i finally figured out he wanted to spread the latest news to me... like i haven't been glued to all the media regarding what's hit our community with the fires - but there's good news, too...

the lord says, "i will rescue those who love me. i will protect those who trust in my name. when they call on me, i will answer; i will be with them in trouble. i will rescue them and honor them." psalm 91: 14-16

certainly - we have been beseeching god on behalf of those who are fighting the fire storm... we are trusting him to protect us from further harm - trusting he will calm the winds - bring relief from further damages - praying for our community... this has brought us hope as well as answers to those prayers...

the fires are now 15% contained... although 346 homes have been lost, some of those who were evacuated - have been allowed to return to their homes... our community qualifies for federal aide... a fire does not define who we are - we will rise above this and come out stronger as the people of this city - seeing it already in the numbers of volunteers coming forth - people who have opened their homes to strangers - and given food relief for the firefighters...

on a sad note - a life was lost in one of the homes burned... one person is missing... 10 others are unaccounted for...

president obama paid a quick visit to the city this afternoon - taking a tour of the neighborhood hardest hit... recognizing the bravery of those who have put up a united front against the raging fire beast... standing firm in the face of danger to defend homes - protect what they were trained to do... he was amazed at what they accomplished - enabling us to have...


happy day.....

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