
I think I may have over exercised this morning as my hips were both aching. So I decided to confine my walk to the Dene only. I first walked up to the top stopping to read the planning notice on a house almost opposite. A two storey side extension & a single storey rear extension & a front canopy - sounds costly !

On mt way back the Collector (see previous blip) was under one of his cars in the road. Down to the garage & then back to take a sneaky pic of the Collector.whilst he wasn't looking. As I looked back I saw a woman walking toward me whom I recognised as Lisa (Tony's wife) see a different previous blip. She had just been to see her Auntie who lives near Walton Pond where I was yesterday. We chatted & caught up & parted company waving at S & M next door to me who are decorating.

I got home then called next door with a can of varnish type stuff which I have used on my internal doors. We chatted & I could have had a cuppa but I was late = we are going down the town soon to get a few bits of shopping from M & S (20% off today).

Then tonight N & R are coming for dinner. R is our family IT man so he will set up C's iPad which came a couple of days ago & I have given her early. So a roast gammon will be the order of the day along with all the trimmings as cooked by C as only C can do....yummy !

Icy cold wind & dull today . A sharp frost 1st thing.

Incidentally C always refers to Lisa as My other Woman !! Silly billy  !!

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