Over the fence

I went out without my camera today so this is a shot over the fence looking towards The Grange School at approximately 4pm.

I had an appointment today to see my Gastro man at the JRII hospital in Oxford. Despite a little scare earlier in the year all is well - in so much as nothing was found. I just have to keep an eye on things & if there is anything awry then I have his number.

Called at a supermarket in Wheatley on the way back to get some of my favourite wine which is on offer....they hadn't got any.... I asked one of the chaps stocking up the shelves & he said that they only had this one - he grabbed a bottle which slipped out of his hand sailed through the air & crashed with an almighty crash & splash in the middle of the aisle. I was lucky it missed me. He was doubly upset when I said that it wasn't the one ...ho ho ho !

I was home by 1545 took this picture & then had a snooze.

A "makeshift" tonight for dinner.

C better but not 100 % 

Wet start & lots of water on the roads

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