Ex tractor fan.....

Been a skiff of snow through the night,and the first hard frost.
Morning spent feeding cattle etc,then went away with bike,trailer ,2 dogs and a chainsaw to cut some fallen trees off a fence. It was a good chance while there was a bit of frost still in the ground,as it is very wet behind the wood.
By the time I had cut them up and split some of the logs,my back was ready to go ping ,so left the rest for another day.
The radiator on the MC130 keeps leaking water somewhere,but I'm not sure where. Can't be sure,but it may be a hose.As it is one of 4 (oil cooler,air inter cooler,air con,engine) radiators,and the back one,it is hard to see.
Might order up a bottom radiator hose and new clips to see if that cures it.

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