
By ChrisGroucutt

Jack Frost

The first frost hit this morning, and it was a doozy. Everyone out first thing desperately scraping away with whatever scrapey devices they've managed to dig out of the cupboard, or from under the car seat, all looking a little 'caught out' - as happens every year with the first frost. Great stuff. 

And obviously a gift for photographers everywhere. Who doesn't love a good frosty pic? It certainly inspired me to take what must be a record early blip for this year. I'll probably not make a habit of pre 8am blips... I can barely focus my actual eyes before 10, let alone focus a camera.

Also.. I've just noticed I wrote the word doozy in this blip, a word I quite like, but have never written before... and now I've written it twice. It's a big day all around. :)


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