A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Stage Zero

We made it to the HBOT centre today but the journey was too much for J and he wasn't able to do a session in the tank. He was incredibly strong though and made it inside to meet the people and have a look and even a sit inside so he now knows exactly what it is like and what to expect. And we were able to collect his mask so he can get a bit used to what it will feel like to wear it. And spend some time perfecting his Darth Vadar impressions.

An emotionally draining day but one step forward and all that.

Somehow I have also managed to push through a piece of work though not with any speed or finesse. I don't need it for another week so will be interesting to put it aside for a couple of days and come back to it with a fresh brain and see if it makes any sense.

I had trouble switching off and going to sleep last night so am in two minds about going to Barrecore tonight but as I think it is playing a large part in keeping me sane perhaps I should go and just try and hide out at the back.

J is keen to try again tomorrow so we'll see how that goes.

The fun part of the day was distracting ourselves with tunes from our teens in the car on the way back and trying to find points of overlap. There were remarkably few until we both got a bit indie.

Lesley x

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