A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Well only one of them was mine. The other belonged to my lunch companion. Taking advantage of this slower pace of life and hiding behind the need to exchange some belongings we met for a fabulously tasty and very fun lunch on the Kings Rd. Followed by a quick geocache.

The day continued in sociable vein as, without childcare this week, I did school pick up and generally managed to transport the kids to the various places they needed to be for activities with only messing up the time and leaving a child stranded for 10mins on one occasion. And into the evening with a school fair planning handily located at my next door neighbours. With my relaxed schedule I happily volunteered for all manner of random assignments.

Other duties included a mild dose of accounts (not enough to keep the accountant happy but enough for me), collecting a Greek costume (tomorrow's blip sorted) and getting rid of some bedroom furniture on free cycle in advance of new items arriving tomorrow.

Productive and sociable - I think the Loosener might have helped...

Lesley x

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