St Martin's Church, Exning

A busy day off today.

Had to be up early still as I was home too late from work yesterday to get to Scampers for Stella's food. It doesn't matter how late her breakfast is though she still wants her dinner bang on time! 

After I'd done my exercises and had my own breakfast (by which time it was more like brunch!) I popped to Ely as I wanted to go Boots and the health food shop that isn't Julian Graves but sells a lot of what they used to! As if I've missed the opportunity in ages I also partook of a soy latte in Costa Coffee. Don't know if I was cold or thirsty but I didn't even have a chance to open my book!

After a late lunch, Stella & I headed out for a little geocaching. We'd have done more but we were losing light. Drove past this beautiful church so stopped on the way back to photograph it.

The eagle-eyed among you will notice that not only have I got a new haircut and new eyes but I've finally given in to probably 18 months of O2 pestering me to upgrade my iphone! I was still using a 4S and the battery life was getting appalling meaning I was charging it 3 times a day. Not useful when you're using the GPS a lot! 

My Dad got a 5c and I wasn't overly excited about that, the iphone 6 came out and though I knew the camera was meant to be improved, the 'bending in your pocket' shenanigans put me off. By now a new phone was relatively cheap up front and I discovered I'd not considered the 6 plus. It's substantially larger than the the 6 and huge in comparison to my 4, but is sturdier too. Of course it wasn't complete so of course ebay has been browsed for a purple shock-proof cover and a purple charging cable for the bedroom! :) 

My sister-in-law needs to change her 4s for the same reason but doesn't like this because you can't text one-handed; not the end of the world for me but then I haven't got a baby in the other arm most of the time! 

Speaking of which, tomorrow's Thursday! :) 

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