
The weather turned arctic last night and it was frosty when the male contingent left to play golf this morning. The problem was, it was also dark so they didn't see the frost. They probably could have avoided the two hour frost delay if they had looked at the thermometer on the porch which said 31 degrees. They bonded over huevos rancheros at the golf course restaurant.

The female contingent waited until 9am. to go to Flying Goat for Aztek Mochas. I was a bit worried that they wouldn't like them, but they were a hit. Amy bought a Christmas present for her mother at the beautiful yarn shop across the street. 

Claire and Julia and I made a spice cake with caramel frosting and pumpkin pies. The pumpkin pies weren't very photogenic, although the girls are and they graciously agreed to pose with the cake. Claire also figured out a good way make a 365 style book and set me up so that I should be able to do it myself. I told her it would be even better if she came and lived with me…she managed not to look horrified.

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