
By MamaOfBoys

Another hot day

It was hot today.Very hot.

Looking at the forecast yesterday for today i decided to make up all the packets of jelly i had for today after school to cool the boys down.

I found some sea creatures and added them to the jelly for extra wobbly fun.

Harper and mar loved it though in the heat the jelly dissolved pretty fast.

This morning i had the dentist for Marley. He did fissure seals today to help protect Marley's teeth. The dentist told me that on Marley's back teeth- his adult ones, have birth defects. 

He went on to explain that around birth or even during if something happens it can affect the developing tooth buds. They then lack minerals and calcium to make enough enamel to protect the teeth which then when they come in leaves them weak.

I found a link here all about it.

So i explained that Marley got stuck during birth and that he was distressed, the cord was wrapped around him holding him in.

The dentist said he would have lacked oxygen if the cord had any pressure on it and that would be a cause of this with his teeth.

Anyway he said that hes put seals on those teeth and he'd like Marley to stay under the dental health system to protect those teeth.

Felt really bad for him leaving the dentist, this isn't any of his fault, nor mine but i take on the guilt of this burden he now has. He didn't ask for any of this and i never knew this was even a thing.

So Kanyes rash hasn't gone away, and speaking with his teacher, hes not having good days, hes not coping at school. 

Hes not himself and hes exhausted. I'm still not happy about this medication and  my stomach has felt heavy all day thinking about it. 

I'm torn. Half of me knows i need to give it a good chance to work, the other half wants him off it. I don't know which is the better end result, i don't know what the right thing is to do but i do know Kanye isn't himself and its not just us at home who are noticing, its school too.

After Kanye got home from school we all went to the local paddling pool that's at our local park, the boys had a great time cooling off.

When we got home the boys played quietly, Andre and i spent some time with Kanye. When i look in his eyes i don't see my happy wee guy, its just blank. Andre gave him a haircut and we played music to try keep Kanye content.

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