
By Lenore

Farm jobs

This afternoon we went for a drive to see some wildebeest (that picture is saved for another day) - they were hanging out on one of the tracks out of the farm.  On the way back, Dirk was under strict instructions to remember to turn off the water pump for the (very low) damn - taking the boy to do it with him.  The pump has taken days and days of work to fix with all kinds of things going wrong with it, fingers crossed it's fixed. 

Today I got the swimming time wrong, going to what was the old time for swimming that changed two weeks ago - so that the small babies went earlier.  Thankfully, none of the larger babies were at their class, so Megan the lovely swimming instructor took Alex for his lesson whilst I just hung out in the water to keep cool.  The pool is just, so, humid, no air conditioning, with a heated pool and corrugated roof with the sun belting down.   So anyway, my forgetfulness paid off - for once. 

Tomorrow we are off out to a ball and the boy is being left with his grand mother, who has diligently been helping out at dinner time for the last two nights to ensure she knows the ropes.  Suffice to say, we're looking forward to our night out, even if I'm duty driver. 

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