Now we are 4

Happy birthday Munchie moo.
You are 4 now
You are headstrong and determined
You love womsie, timbo and making things in equal measure
You suck your thumb when you are tired, worried or asleep
You love wearing clothes you have picked from the drawers, you sometimes like to wear dresses but love your pajamas most if all
You are dinky, wearing 18-24 month trousers still
You can swim like a fish
You climb like a monkey
You love dancing and singing
You don't cope well with being tired
You aren't keen on brushing your teeth, tomatoes or the smell of daddy's cups of tea
You love adventures
You have fabulous fun at nursery and preschool

Happy birthday baby girl
Love you

At the top of the climbing wall at soft play
Delighted to get onto the giant tomatoes on your own
Taking your new wheelbarrow to swimming
Happy birthday from swimming

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