Now we are three.....

Not the best start to the morning as I was grumped at. Why? I hear you ask. Because I had kept Wom in his bedroom each time he woke rather than the easy option of bring him into our bed and let him sleep. Somehow his crying had woken lee each time, yet when he cries in our bed, next to him, he sleeps through it?????


Munchie is 3!

I took the cowards way out Last night and didnt tell her that daddy was going away. She took it in her stride which was good. Downstairs and we opened cards and had a play. Off to nursery. Dropped off a very excited little girl. Headed home. Wom did the most enormous poo which was good as he hadn't done once since Monday. Took him to nursery.

Did jobs, didn't sit down till 11:45! But even when sat down I was doing jobs honest, Internet shopping was a job!

Quick trip to shops to buy bananas as need one for after swimming. Picked two children up from nursery. Wom had had a good day, but doesn't like his bottom being changed there? Munchie had had a fab day, so much so that she fell asleep in the car going home.

Showed her, herself on the telly. She was sooooo excited to see her picture and kept asking to show it again which was lovely. We opened some more presents and cards but she wanted to play with things so we still have presents and cards to open tomorrow.

Daddy facetimed us, always lovely. Baths completed and both children in bed.

Swimming starts again tomorrow

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