View From The Study

By StudyView


Today was one of those rare but brilliant days where I could spend the whole day without a watch. Not sure I ever realise how much time is a tyrant until I spend a day not clock-watching, worrying about when to pick up the kids, when to go to meetings, when to eat, when the coffee van will arrive etc.

Mrs StudyView and younger daughter went hillwalking this morning so I had the house to myself as elder daughter was on a sleepover next door. Then the two of us went cycling at Cramond, along to the gas storage at Granton, while younger had her friend Marcella round (there is a Love and Rockets reference there I'm sure). Nice cakes to come home to.

Mrs is now out signing and I have quiet evening with kids, who are now asleep. Raiders have just lost to Dolphins with pretty much the last play of the game, Hibs highlights are up on the BBC and flatter us a little. Now I need to go and fiddle with my PC after tidying the kitchen, and then lastly read some more Panel papers; Tuesday looks like a hard session.

A good weekend.

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