View From The Study

By StudyView

Channelling The Spirit Of Jeremy Clarkson

I keep carrying around my camera and my phone but I just haven't really been inspired recently. I may back blip a few shots if I get round to it, but this one actually has a proper story.

The Clarkson reference is because when I said in the playground this morning that I was going rally driving today, I was encouraged to think of myself as JC, not something I would normally do.

My brother bought me a track day at Knockhill in Fife as a very surprise birthday present, and today I finally went. Have to say it was very good, and much thanks to Garry my instructor I had a good and safe time, although I think I was probably a little tentative. I certainly didn't throw the car around like he did, but I got faster with each of the 9 runs I did over about a complicated mile, and I didn't crash (and I even remembered how to recover from an oversteering skid without being told). Didn't finish in the top 3 so I didn't get a trophy, but not far off, and the score I was proud of was 'Progress'. Did too much push-pull steering to go really fast, but I might go do it again some time, perhaps with friends or work.

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