
One aspect of life in Jakarta that you cannot get away from is the traffic. It's outrageous. People in Phnom Penh should not moan for one minute.

Since I was last here some smart enterpreneurs have collectivised hundreds and hundreds of ojek (motorbike taxi) drivers into a well-organised and cheap force, all done through an app (go-jek) so that prices are set and punctuality is high. The app seems to be all the rage amongst Jakartans.

Although I worry about the livelihoods of the ojek drivers left out of the collectivisation, as there aren't the safeguards you might get in other places to ensure they're not priced out of the market, it's pleasant to not have to argue about prices and to be presented with a branded helmet by the driver and not have to borrow one from the nearest fried chicken lady's husband's dog.

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