
By MamaOfBoys

Player of the day

Marley had an awesome time at soccer today, he got the award for player of the day.

There were a few away form his team so they joined two teams up  and unfortunately the boys in the other team were a lot bigger and kind of took over the game, Mar usually does really well and gets goals but the bigger boys kept taking the ball and you could see he was getting frustrated that he wasn't getting a turn.

So it was nice that at the end they gave him the award for trying.

Kanye had a great time, for the first time in a long time he had energy, he lasted the whole 1 1/2 hours running around playing , clapping and cheering. He really enjoyed himself. Debbi came down to watch and he showed off a little bit for her, he was just so happy!

This morning i had to go do groceries and pick up some Christmas cards Mar wanted for his friends, he also wanted to get them candy canes, i would have preferred some Christmas pencils instead of lollies but he was adamant it had to be candy canes.

After we came back from soccer i took Kanye to the supermarket to choose some ice cream. they then watched bit of tv before going out in the driveway on their bikes.

By dinner they were all tired and teary so into bed early. Great day though so awesome to have Kanye back, we really see how much that med impacted him now.

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