Clock tower

Working in East Grinstead at a Day School this morning. It was great to see colleagues with whom I work online but see rarely. Also smashing spending time with real live students face-to-face rather than through a computer screen. And it's nice to be a technologist for a while.

Left there and headed for the coast for some photographs but the weather was dreadful - and shots of the sea would have shown grey on grey with a side order of driving rain - so I was struggling for ideas. The opportunities declined further when I was caught in a big traffic jam in Eastbourne - somebody was having a far worse day then me and there were a number of ambulances, fire engines and police cars in attendance. As you can see it was dark by the time I got to Bexhill and the wind was such that it was a fight to get out of the car but at least I found something which was illuminated so I had a better chance of a photo!

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