The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Here's Tanya (TMLHereandThere) and our cat Bomble staring at something near the fire.

Mad, mad day. I'd hardly slept on Thurs night, (3.5 hours) but on Friday morning first thing we cleared the nursery surfaces because it's going to be repainted over the weekend. Then the children arrived. I finished at 1.30 but couldn't leave because I was waiting for a last-minute delivery. When that arrived, I raced home and found my massage client already on my doorstep.

The next client arrived early... and so it went on. I delivered some goods needed urgently to a neighbour, and raced home to make up the spare bedroom for Tanya. We rushed down to the station to collect her, and later blipped her. CleanSteve made a delicious fish pie for supper.

Meanwhile. I am suddenly busy with Christmas orders from aromatherapy clients I haven't heard from in years. I'm grateful that it's a feast rather than a famine, but feeling that I'm hatching a lergy. All the children in nursery have been coughing or sneezing this week. Soon come, soon go, I hope.

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