
By AlfeeTee


I was in a huge room full of little kids, all with their heads and brains locked to their laptops and accompanied with parents not remonstrating for a change, but gazing proudly and giving encouragement. I was way out of my depth feeling left behind in the prehistory.
The kids were at a coding club, one of the many amazing free resources that are available everywhere you turn these days. I feel like a dinausaur sometimes, lumbering along behind the evolutionary bullet-train as it disappears into the distance, shouting,"yeah but can you build a real house not a virtual minecraft one?" (Could brontosauri build houses?) They can't hear me though, they've moved on too far.
It's not that I'm against the technological advances, I'm no Luddite. It's just that I've had no need of it, and I'm daunted by the steep learning curve. One day when time and need are in abundance I'll pick up my mouse and join the 21st century. Until then I'll stand back and marvel at the agile minds of the modern kid. Bravo.

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