This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I took Rufus to the vet, it had been a week and he still wasn't looking or acting like himself so I knew I needed to take him in. He is a fabulous cat and I don't want to drop the ball if he is seriously unwell. It turned out he had an ear infection and his gums were swollen as well so I was sent home with ear cleaner, ear medicine and antibiotics for his mouth. Poor thing... I hope treating these problems will make him feel 100% better.

Later we painted the sides of the panels that we had varnished yesterday. They look so bright and clean with the fresh white paint. We also answered an interview request. Later there was a Dr. Who marathon and Stewart cooked a great improvised dinner of Aubergine, Garlic (yes the one pictured here! That is one clove, the size of an onion, that came from my parents garden in Winslow) and tofu over rice noodles. Yum.

I also got my health insurance cards today! Starting tomorrow I am insured!

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