This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today is the first of July. I am not sure how I feel about that, because Stewart leaves on the 31st. I took Bodhi back to his other home for a week and I treated Rufus again and am happy to see how much better he is doing, the miracle of medicine. My brother Sean and his family came over for a short visit and saw all our new paintings and then once they left we decided to take a a vacation to the Fayetteville Public Library for the coolness and the quiet. We sent out press releases about our new show near and far and ran into a fellow artist Adam Campbell.

Then it was home to the heat again and Sean dropped by once more to mow my back yard as he tricked me into picking up sticks. It was good to see him again before he headed off again. Stewart made dinner of baked garlic, aubergine, and onions on rice pasta. It was yummy. We really need to go to the store soon.

Tomorrow we hang the show!

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