Lala's Journal

By Lala

Christmas in November

I realise I am hitting old age as the bah humbug syndrome sets in!

My Christmas used to start in October with the many trips on a bus to town to buy all the presents. I used to love snow, playing with the kids, the dogs and knowing that roads and trains wouldn't run so Mr L wouldn't be able to get to work. Great family times!

Modern inventions are great but does do away with some of the simple pleasures. I detest 'plastic' Christmas trees and we only ever have the real thing which doesn't get to come in the house until a week before Christmas.

Working at a tourist attraction Christmas comes earlier and made a perfect subject for today's blip. I had a quick but enjoyable catch up with Friend and fellow blipper, FlyingPRGal today over coffee. She had noticed my missing blip from yesterday and reminded me I needed to do 2 today. I walked out of Costa and there was the tree, so Sam, here is today's, and I also managed yesterday's! It was great to see you, and I hope that we will see each other more in the future ;)

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