
So it all get a bit messy last night. Apparently almost a litre of Gin was imbibed. Which would explain the banging head this morning...

2 Espressini coffees later I felt human enough to face the rest of the day. Mike came round to plaster the bit of wall and we did practice questions in between layers/coats/plasters (?).

Once he'd done and left, I rearranged the kitchen to fit the mahoosive printer in. This has involved removing the microwave - we will trial life without it and see how much/little it does!

Work at the Arq, swimming, home, back to swimming with forgotten cossie, home to eat the 3 remaining mouthfuls of lasagne Smallest didn't eat, back to swimming then Sainsburys and Asda to hunt down Advent Calendars (unsuccessfully).

Eastenders catch up as I finished off the accounts for the weekend - we'll review it with the girls tomorrow then I'll send off my folder and hopefully be passed officially!

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