Victoria Pancake

After a very luxurious lie in, I leapt jnto action and actually went to do a full weeks supermarket shop in the flesh! I took Princess along and she bought Christmas presents for her siblings.

Home to cook a late dinner/early tea and tackle some of the younger 2s home works. Lil made this Victoria Sponge flat as a witch's tit AND a word search. Red made 2 shadow puppets. I huffed and puffed and muttered under my breath throughout. MrRoly sensibly hid outside a out up a light on the garage.

This evening, I took the older 2 to the cinema to see the latest Hunger Games film, even though Bella saw it last week. She rolled her eyes when I asked who Gail (Gayle? Gale?) was as I don't remember him being so handsome in the previous 2 films. She then made us sit through ALL the credits, despite Ally and I desperately needing to wee, to see a tiny film clip at the end that really wasn't worth waiting for...

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