
Today was crazy. Crazy but fabulous. 

Started out normally - lots of music practise etc. We then had a brilliant hour working with a microscope and magnifying glass my sister had lent us with some insect specimens to study. Katie loved it. We headed to church. She had a great time making a beautiful advent wreath in Sunday school. It was music and singing practise for her afterwards. It was the first time she ever played in a group situation and the leader was thrilled with how well she did. She has worked super hard this week on the piece so I am really pleased for her. 

After church we headed home. And were shortly joined by the Jumpingbeans. At which point the craziness took over- we had a plan for a photo session. Which took place. But involved a lot of driving rain, winds that kept rising to a point we could barely stand. And several trips to the cars to shelter!! But we ended in the woods and had a brilliant time, fabulous photographs (in my biased opinion!) and the children had a complete blast playing together. I love how fantastically they play. 

when we had all thawed and dried off, were fed & watered we took the children out to see the little fair that was in town as part of the light switch on. They had a ride on the tea cups, ate fresh donuts before we headed home for a bit more play. Happy happy children and happy mamas/daddy! 

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