pool party

Katie was meant to go on a day out with Rainbows today, on a steam train to see Santa. But she panicked about missing ballet as it's exam classes now ready for January's performances. Also, we had invites to two parties. So we ended up having a wonderful day together- she danced and loved it. Then we headed over to Scarborough and had a shopping trip/coffee with the lovely countrymouse. Katie and I then went to Oscar's 6th birthday - an amazing pool party. Katie had a fabulous time!! They swam for an hour and half, having a complete blast with inflatables, balloons, balls, water canons. It was a brilliant party. 

We had a second invitation to evening dinner with my aunt and uncle for my Uncle's birthday. Katie was so good through the 3 course meal, which didn't even begin until the time she usually goes to bed. However, come coffee time, she began to flop and I suggested she lay down in the lounge. She was snoring within seconds!  

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