Flying Colours

Some days, I really wonder if my mum isn't a bit crazy. Crazy good, but still... Today we took Hedwig to - the parking lot outside the supermarket! How weird is that?! And we were supposed to do our dance routine there! It was a bit tricky, because mum wouldn't let me off lead, but we managed OK. Prince sausage was the treat to be earned, so my motivation was very high. And apparently Gollum did the exact same thing (well, more or less) today in Denmark , so maybe it's not completely crazy after all.

As you can see, as a treat we then went to the dog club for a proper forest walkie. And the agility gear was still outside in the field! I had a go at a couple of things, and I like this shot better than the parking lot one. There was still frost on the ground and ice on the waters out here. Beautiful!

December, 1 meant that I got to open my advent calendar! Inside the first little box were two! dried chicken treats! Yummy! I hope they go on assuming there are two dogs sharing a calendar. Love the concept!

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