Calm before the chaos . . .
This morning I taught one class before moving out. This is Miss Zabrice looking very calm and listening to the children in her class making comments about what they can see in her painting. She told us she had painted a mother fantail walking in the bush looking for food for her babies. She sat like this all the time. Her painting is the extra and I'd like you to think like a six year old and then I'm sure you can see the big tail like a fan is on the left side and the red eye is on the right. I really liked how she tried to paint fluffy feathers.
After morning tea the moving started and Room 16 were very willing workers. No ones fingers got squashed and they were very inventive in turning tables on their sides to get them in the door. It was all go and I forgot to take a photo. Nothing was really in it's final resting place but I still taught another class after lunch. They thought it was fun to do their work lying on the floor under the tables because there were boxes all over the table tops.
I think I'll just collapse on the couch now with something alcoholic.
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