
By Lenore

The afternoon after the night before

Today has been one of those vaguely 'nothing' days.  Haven't quite achieved anything, haven't really done anything, it's all just kind of happened. 

This may  have something to do with the sleep deprivation the family have had, thanks to it's youngest member who decided to keep us all awake for a good few hours in the night.  Enough to warrant a cup of tea being made and a nice long chat in the early hours (which is a nice distraction from a fractious baby!) 

This morning, he wasn't having a nap under any circumstances, so his mean mother denied him the sleep he was clearly desperate for as lunch time approached, making him wait until there was a full tummy before it was allowed.  We then had a lovely sleep on the bed curled up together, which I'm sure his father would be highly jealous of as he would no doubt liked to have joined in a family sleep. Clearly, as parenthood gets into full swing, all those grand ideas about set routine and sleeping in the right place goes out of the window from time to time and is replaced by practicality (read desperation).  Two of the family feel a whole lot more human for their lazy afternoon, I'm sure the third will be wanting an early night. 

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