bucks life

By bucksmiss

Meet Ruby

Here she is. My brand new 8 week old Airedale pup. I picked her up in Kent this morning and had a few pointers from the breeder on grooming and feeding etc then into the box she went on the front seat. For the first hour back she was sniffing and looking and trying to lick my ear but then she curled up and slept for the next hour and a half. Perfect. I had worried she'd be car sick never having been out of the house before but so far so good.

Since getting home, she's meet a couple of neighbours, explored several rooms, got to know a few chew toys, found her crate (and is now sleeping peacefully in it), wee'ed on the carpet (oops) but poo'ed outside (hurrah!). She was confused by the mirror image puppy in my bedroom mirror (!) but so far there's been no real whining or crying except when I closed the crate door for a few minutes. The beginning of training!

I am one lucky and happy lady today. Let's hope Ruby thinks so too.

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