bucks life

By bucksmiss

Christmas lunch

Work is completely manic with some Christmas deadlines looming. I cracked on like a mad woman this morning and then the team headed out for our (very early) team Christmas lunch at a very nice local pub restaurant with very good food. K, who is currently on maternity leave, brought her cutie son with her and here he is. At 8 months he's way bigger than Teddy is at 13 months. Teddy really is a tiddler!

I left at 2.30pm as it was my afternoon off and bombed over to Brackely to buy the occasional table I'd earmarked on Saturday for the sitting room. It was still there and is very light and just small enough for my car, so it was all very easy. I also arranged with the local council to collect the old dining table on Friday. Mind you, they will not step over my threshold to collect it, 'elf and safety being paramount with the council as ever, so I'm going to have to ask a neighbour if I can leave it on his drive!

I bought the paint for one of the spare bedrooms as lodger L says he might start it this week as J has not reappeared as we had expected.

I was due to visit S and E in Bedford this evening but don't have the energy for a long evening, the late night drive home and a late bedtime so have cried off. I want a quiet night in.

No news on the interview yesterday. At least it wasn't an immediate No!

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