Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Perfect Pizza

Well not quite. The asparagus stalks were a bit tough and it could have done with more herbs. But it was pretty good, and an attractive shape and texture too.

We were having an hour with Mr T to hand over his presents and say a fond farewell (again). As lunchtimes go it went really amazingly fast. I appreciate the lack of booze when you have to go back to work but being outvoted on the pudding left me gutted so I had to buy a cake for us to share.

As for the rest:

Have been dizzy for about two days and felt totally pooped tonight when I came home. Lot of it about, The Dizzle had to leave work early and other colleagues have similar symptoms.

Dylan given a clean bill of health by the vet, who has annoyed us by over-reacting last with talk of tumours and lumping us with a three hundred quid bill for unnecessary treatment when actually all it needed was some antibiotics and anti-inflammatories.

We had a minor dispute over what to call our Christmas tree at work. I got a consensus opinion in favour of Chris but Mrs W tried to batter everyone into submission and go for Klaus. I won. Democracy prevailed.

Suddenly gone incredibly mild again. Doesn't feel like we've had any sort of winter down South so far this year ...

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