2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

It's oh so quiet

A very relaxing day, just sort of pottering about at home.
Adam has gone to a Youth Parliament meeting
Alison has gone shopping
I have had a swim and tidied up the room I use as an office. Over the last few weeks it's just become a tip but it looks much better now.
A lot of stuff has gone in the bin or for recycling, on the basis if I haven't touched it in the last 2 years I clearly don't need it any more!
Whilst deleting a load of emails I came across one that reminded me I'd said I would have my photo taken beside the Wainwright beer at the sports and social club. I rather enjoyed this beer last Saturday and the club mentioned it to the rep, who wanted a photo of me, with the beer and the Torch.
I'm charging for this appearance though: two pints of Wainwright at a time of my convenience.
Hope you've had a relaxing Sunday

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