Bicycle Repair Man

Rydw i wedi newydd ffeindio allan am wasanaeth newydd gan Cardiff Cycle Care, lle gall rhywun yn dod i'ch lle gwaith i drwsio eich beic. Ro'n i'n meddwl y roedd hi'n amser gwirio fy meic cyn y gaeaf, felly galwais i'r cwmni i wneud apwyntiad.  Daeth Richard draw i edrych ar y beic. Roedd e'n dda i wybod roedd y beic yn siâp da i wynebu'r tywydd.

Bicycle Repairman - Monty Python

I've just found out about a new service from Cardiff Cycle Care, where someone can come to your place of work to fix your bike. I thought it was time to check my bike before winter, so I called the company to make an appointment. Richard came over to look at the bike. It was good to know the bike in good shape to face the weather.

Bicycle Repairman - Monty Python

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