The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A proper lazy Sunday...

After ten hours of sleep I woke feeling very rested and relaxed. After breakfast I booked my month of training online and then headed off to Sunday training. I really enjoyed the session and whilst I was out P walked the hounds...they haven't gone that far in a while, they were pooped when they got home! We met a friend for coffee, cake and a good old natter and then came home for lunch.

The afternoon has been wonderfully lazy. P pottering in the garden, making it look like a proper garden again, whilst I took lots of photographs. The formal lawn looks amazing, the bushes have been trimmed back so they look less 'manic' and the dogs have patiently sat and watched the transformation. Actually, Pip brought her ball back and forth for Dad to throw - he was very obliging, even mid-mowing flow! The little posh garden that Mum and Dad made for us looks amazing and I was spoilt for pictures with about twenty decent ones of a variety of flowers. That's a first for me!

Now for a walk with the dogs followed by venison burgers and a glass of wine for dinner...rounding off a perfect day.


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