Overwhelmed with visitors!

At least 134 visitors walked round our back garden today! There may have been more people which I missed, whilst I did other jobs in the house. This was their view as the came round the side of the house.

I spoke to a few of them who were looking for information or commenting on various aspects of the garden. All very positive and a 2 way sharing of information.

We stick laminated pictures on the outside wall of the garden pre renovation and ground work process. These never cease to amaze people (how grotty it was before).

The blip is taken from the front left edge of the garden and the ground rises 5 feet to the back right, where the apple tree is situated. This wouldn't be a problem if the garden wasn't tiny. Originally it was grassed over, a nightmare to cut and hopeless to use.

What we have now is much more user friendly and a pleasure to look after!!

I'm trying to upload a picture of the "old garden" in to blipfolio to link, but it's not making progress, will try later.

success at last - garden when we moved in!!

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