People have the power

A small view of the Reformation Wall in the Parc des Bastions. 

Tomorrow is the annual Escalade race and the following weekend is the celebration of the Escalade which celebrates the night in december 1602  (bit of copying from Wiki starts here) —when the forces of the Duke of Savoy launched an attack on the city-state of Geneva.The troops marched along the Arve River at night and assembled at Plainpalais, just outside the walls of Geneva, at 2 o'clock in the morning. The original plan was to send in a group of commandos to open the gate door and let the other troops in. The Geneva citizens defeated the men by preventing them from scaling the wall.  The night guard Isaac Mercier raised the alarm, church bells were rung, and the Genevois were alerted. The populace fought alongside their town militia. The duke's 2000-plus mercenaries were beaten. The Genevois lost 18 men in the fighting; the Savoyards suffered 54 fatalities and the troops had to retreat.

So over 40'000 people running tomorrow, fortunately not all at the same time, 

Will be studying the new blip proposal this weekend, My initial reaction is to pay a little something whatever  given that I haven't been asked to pay a sub for ages, 

Anyway, thought Patti fitted both topics tonight.

ps didn't remember this one from 2 years ago, but like it.

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