First and Last and Always

Well not first and not quite last.
Escalade race around the old town in Geneva today. With 40'000+ participants this is now by far the largest sporting event in Switzerland,. Over 30 races through the day, running up to 3 loops around the old town (7.3k). Race category according to age and expected finish time,
There is an elite race which you can enter if you have run less than 30 minutes last year ( I ran 29'57, so just about made it) but was thinking all week that this was going to be the last year.
When I got to the start line and saw all these guys warming up by sprinting like Bolt I was a bit worried, And then after the first 500m and top of the first climb I looked behind me and couldn't see anybody, I thought maybe this was going to be a hard day.
Still, at least I managed to finish the 2nd loop  before the leaders arrived, And wasn’t quite the last to finish – 360 out of 367 , but then I was the 2nd oldest in the race.  Strange feeling being encouraged by the spectators like I was completing a marathon in 6 hours
Ps. If I had ran in my age category I would have been 80th (out of 1000+) , Is there a lesson there somewhere ?
Pps. Lots of interesting things about the blipfuture proposal, worth a read:

Sisters of Mercy

pic is Rolle this morning, rather dull

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