
By MamaOfBoys


Today was really hot. I mean it was 27 degrees by 10am. 

Marley was really upset this morning, i honestly think hes exhausted and i wish school would finish sooner and then begin again next year sooner.

I kept him home, he wanted to go only because he wrote Christmas cards and attached candy canes for his classmates but he was really distressed and he told me his throat was sore, i think his tonsils swell when hes tired and rundown. They looked large and red.

I had to run a few errands, i picked up some things for Andre for his trip next week along with pet supplies and some garden supplies.

Was too hot for my guinea pigs and rabbit so i cleaned out their hutches,which are in the shade but the heat in general was a bit much for them.

 I had filled a shallow container of water for Harper to play so i put the rabbit in the water, she actually just sat in it . She enjoyed it.

I put her back in her hutch where she didn't take long to dry off but definitely cooled her down, i did the same with the guinea pigs too, they're more susceptible in the heat as they cant regulate their own temperature so too hot means they could die.

I enjoyed being outside despite it being hot, Harper helped me water my garden while Mar spent most of his time in his room keeping cool and resting.

I noticed today that the flowers my peas were producing only days ago now have grown into peas!

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