
This evening I went to a Christmas event at Yeldall Manor. Yeldall is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre in Berkshire, started by my parents almost 40 years ago.

We sang a few Christmas Carols, listened to some readings of the Christmas story, and celebrated with two of the Residents who recently graduated from the programme. It was a packed house and we enjoyed some tea and coffee and mince pies afterwards. The Victorian Manor house looks particularly beautiful this time of year with the Christmas decorations. This tree is in the Main Lounge and although the room was filled with dozens of people, I finally got a clear shot of it.

For those who live locally, Yeldall is also selling Home-grown Christmas trees this year. If you've not bought your tree yet, maybe consider supporting Yeldall while enjoying your tree this Christmas?  While there, you can also purchase some of their home-made jam and apple juice, made from fruit grown right there at Yeldall. All very delicious and good for presents!

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