All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Eden & Ethan's wheels

Ethan has been really fun today (apart from getting up at 5.55am that is)! Hubbie was actually already up, cos he couldn't sleep, so although I took Ethan in bed with me, after Ethan had his milk, he went downstairs to play with Daddy. I didn't really get back to sleep though cos from time to time Ethan kept coming back up to tell me things or just to bounce on the bed beside me whilst shouting "wake up mummy"!

At 9.30am he suddenly announced he was tired and wanted a nap in his pushchair! Unheard of for him to request a daytime sleep - I normally have to suggest it! He then proceeded to sleep for an hour and an forty-five minutes!

Later in the day we managed to start potty training without even trying. Hubbie took Ethan's nappy off to change it and Ethan refused to have a new one put back on. Ethan picked up the potty, put it in the playhouse, closed the playhouse door, and then sat on the potty for ages. About 10 minutes later he announced he'd done a wee ..... sure enough he had! So the big boy pants were put on instead of a nappy and he managed the rest of the afternoon with another wee in the potty and no accidents, apart from a minor dribble in the pants. He even managed the drive over to the Foreveryoungs house before dinner with no accidents. So proud of him!

Mealtimes have been great today too. I made homemade leek and potato soup for lunch which he ate happily enough. And he ate Foreveryoungs thai green chicken curry tonight too ... tried to leave the table when he finished that saying he was all done and didn't want pudding but as soon as Foreveryoung said "so you don't want ice-cream then" he was straight back at the table, sat there waiting for it really happily and then devoured the strawberries and ice-cream by himself. So nice to see that meals don't always have to be a big drama!

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