All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan woke up this morning at 6.15am and proceeded to have a tantrum when hubbie went through to get him when he wanted me! Unfortunately he was so vocal, he woke Eden up, although at least she greeted me with a smile! Ethan soon calmed down though once both children were encased in our bed with their morning milk. Ethan even insisted on helping Eden with hers!

Today is Grandpa's birthday. Granny and Grandpa had stayed over at our house last night and the kids enjoyed sitting on their bed, helping him open his pressies.

Grandpa came to Ethan's gymnastics class with me while Granny looked after Eden. I was so impressed with Ethan today. He did so well - he gets better and better each week now at trying to join in with the different actions the teachers are doing and gets more and more confident on the gym equipment. A few months ago I was considering not signing up for any more classes. However, the next term starts next week and based on how he has been over the past month at the classes, he'll be back!

Foreveryoung came round after work to collect Eden which took me by surprise as I thought she'd still be off work and I was fully prepared to have Eden stay with us another night. She ended up staying for dinner, as did Granny and Grandpa who came back to us again after a day out at a statley home in Edinburgh which Grandpa had wanted to visit.

Ethan was particularly taken with pudding this evening - birthday cake - complete with a candle which played the tune of happy birthday!

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