She goes with me to a blossom world

This week, I have been plagued by a weird eye. 

I'd arrive in work, switch on my computer and this eye would drip.  Drip all the way down my face, it looked as though I was doing very earnest crying, without any of the sobbing noises which have to go along with it. 

I took action on Tuesday and sellotaped a folded up tissue to my face.  It was tres attractive, and did the job.   S regarded it and instantly went to the First Aid Box .  He retrieved a real eye patch for me, which I was able to tie up round my bonce, and commence my work without tear stains on my balance sheet. 

On Wednesday, I stopped with the mascara.    Still dripping. 

On Thursday, I stopped with the foundation.... the dripping stopped. 

Can you fathom that?    Mascara on my face was okay; but foundation made my eyes leak?  

What's all that about? 

And the good news about this story - because my eyes were leaking badly. and hurting, i picked up the glasses (not mine, Toolis), and wow.  I can see the TV now.  It is absolutely AMAZING.  So Clear!  Now I get what all the HD is about :-) 

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